Are almonds good for weight loss?

Are almonds a good weight loss aid?

We often look to workouts and supplements to lose weight, but we never thought of trying almonds for snacks to reduce the number of trips to the pantry. While nuts are high in fat and calories, some almonds are highly beneficial in weight loss. Here are a few ways where almonds can assist you in reaching your weight loss goals. we’ll explore the benefits of almonds that are attributed to weight loss and the different ways one can consume almonds.

Health benefits of consuming almonds

Now, let’s examine a few benefits of almonds.

It’s always a good choice to maintain a healthy diet. Many studies have discovered that nuts consumption not only normalizes the lipid levels in the blood, but can reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes.

  • Almonds are very high in monounsaturated fat, fiber, and proteins, the same fat found in avocados, brazil nuts, and olive oil. Such fat enhances blood glucose levels and improves blood cholesterol levels.
  • Almonds are also a great source of antioxidants found in the brown skin layer that many usually discard.
  • Almonds are high in vitamin E, which we know protects cells from free radical damage. You can also find vitamin E in nuts such as Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and peanuts.
  • Almonds reduce your belly fat. Eating a diet high in almonds helps reduce your high-carb intake.
  • Eating almonds can also reduce your hunger and lower your overall calcium intake. Almonds are low in carbs and high in both protein and fiber.
  • Eating almonds can reduce your appetite. Almonds are incredibly satiating, so including them in a meal or eating them as a snack can give you the sensation that you’re not hungry and less likely to seek out non-healthy snacks. Here’s why almonds are so satisfying:
    • Scientists discovered that subjects who snacked on almonds every day did not gain any weight, even though they consumed hundreds of extra calories daily, since almonds kept them from feeling hungry between meals. Almonds, rather than complex carbs, were found to aid weight loss in a study.

Different ways of consuming almonds

Now let’s explore different ways you can consume almonds.

This is where it is your choice of how you want or feel like eating almonds. There are no favorite or best ways to consume it. It all depends on your taste that day.

Consume almond milk.

Almond milk is very easy to make. Anyone can purchase the almonds and then blend them with water. After you’re done, strain the mixture to remove the solid. If this is much, you can always find almond milk at your favorite grocery stores provided by different brands.

Add almonds to your smoothie.

Combining almonds with other fruits and vegetable smoothies gives the smoothie a nutty flavor and additional protein for the body.

Use almond butter.

If you’re craving to eat some creamy nut butter, almond butter might be your choice. Such almond butter can be added to toast, sandwiches, or bananas or used in baking to replace some fat. Almond butter can be served as a dip with sliced veggies and fruit.

Other reasons why almonds a good weight loss aid for everyone

It is believed that the rigid cell structure of almonds prevents 20% to 30% of the calories from being absorbed, lowering their calorie content by about 20%.5 Scientists have concluded that almonds may have as many as 20% to 30% fewer calories than stated on the package.

Almonds tend to help people consume fewer calories, despite their high-calorie content.
There was no increase in calorie intake when almonds were consumed as a mid-morning snack after a standard breakfast, and the rest of the day was eaten as normal in one study.

What are the nutrients found in 100 gm of almonds?

Name Unit
Energy 576 Kcal
Protein 21.22 gm
Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, E, K
Calcium (26%) 264 mg
Iron (29%) 3. 72 mg
Magnesium (75%) 268 mg
Manganese (109%) 2.285 mg
Phosphorus (69%) 484 mg
Potassium (15%) 705 mg
Folate (13%) 50 mg
Choline (11%) 52.1 mg

Refer to nutrition value for more detailed info on almonds nutrition

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